Important Notice: DTT is committed to offer a fair, secure, and independent trading environment. Attempts to exploit the execution environment using different algorithms will not be tolerated.


View or download all the legal documents related to trading with Direct TT. 

Execution Conditions


Any account using a bot that places many pending orders without the intention of triggering them is an illegal activity that requires investigation.

Quote Stuffing

Flooding the market with orders to slow down the system response on their account, which in return, ensures that a slippage will occur so their bot jumps in with a higher volume trade and takes advantage of this slip

Front Running

Correlated to Quote Stuffing with the only difference is that these trades will cause a Flash Crash for other clients/accounts.

Then, these other clients/accounts take advantage of this Flash Crash using their Bots as well


There are requirements for traders and firms to disclose their use of algorithmic trading systems to regulatory bodies then these Traders will be able to freely trade using an Algo.

 All trades should comply with the rules and regulations of the markets involved. Avoid exploiting technical or systemic vulnerabilities in trading platforms or exchanges.


Ensure that your strategies do not disrupt market operations or unfairly disadvantage other participants.

All traded on accounts using algorithms with the intention to exploit vulnerability in the trading platform will be reversed and the account may incur further penalties.

Direct Trading Technologies, reserves the right to hold any accounts suspected of violating the terms above suspended for 90 days for a full investigation in each trade before a final decision is taken and penalties may apply

Risk Warning: CFDs and Forex are leveraged products which carry a high degree of risk and are not suited for everyone. Losses can exceed your investment. Please ensure you fully understand all the risks involved, seeking independent advice if necessary prior to entering into such transactions.

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Direct Trading Technologies (UK) Ltd, a Financial Services Company authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the license FRN 795892 (for Professional and Institutional clients) ( .
Direct TT for Financial Consulting, a Financial Services Company authorised and regulated in the UAE by the SCA, License No: 20200000042.
Direct Trading Technologies UK Representative Office is authorized by the SFC to carry out acts of promotion of the entity's products and services abroad.