Aviso Importante: DTT está comprometido a ofrecer un entorno de negociación justo, seguro e independiente. Los intentos de explotar el entorno de ejecución utilizando diferentes algoritmos no serán tolerados.


Opere con más de 100,000 productos financieros con un bróker regulado a nivel mundial.

What are Exchange Traded Stocks?

US stocks, which are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq , represent around 55% of the global market capitalization with more than $46 trillion in value.

With Direct Trading Technologies, you can trade Apple, Netflix, Google, Amazon, Tesla and more than 2.500 other stocks and ETFs on the S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100, with the institutional grade execution and lowest commission. For more information, please visit DTTShares.com

Why trade ETS with Direct TT?

Four types of trading:

DAY: A Day order will be canceled if it is not executed by the close of the trading day. Unless otherwise specified, every order is a Day order.

GTC – A Good-Til-Canceled order will continue to work within the system and in the marketplace until it is executed or canceled by the customer. GTC may be used for Limit, Stop, and Stop-Limit orders.

OPG: Use OPG to send a market-on-open (MOO) or limit-on-open (LOO) order.

IOC: Any portion of an Immediate-or-Cancel order that is not filled as soon as it becomes available in the market will be canceled. IOC is valid for market or limit orders.

Open a Demo Account.

Comience a operar en 4 pasos


Abra su cuenta comercial real con Direct TT.


Cargue sus documentos para verificar su cuenta.


Inicie sesión en el portal del cliente y deposite fondos en su cuenta.


Comience a operar con más de 100.000 productos financieros.


Listo para empezar?

Sólo se necesitan unos pocos pasos para configurar su cuenta y prepararla para operar.

Risk Warning: CFDs and Forex are leveraged products which carry a high degree of risk and are not suited for everyone. Losses can exceed your investment. Please ensure you fully understand all the risks involved, seeking independent advice if necessary prior to entering into such transactions.

Suscríbase A Nuestro Boletín

Direct Trading Technologies (UK) Ltd, a Financial Services Company authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the license FRN 795892 (for Professional and Institutional clients) (www.dttfs.co.uk) .
Direct TT for Financial Consulting, a Financial Services Company authorised and regulated in the UAE by the SCA, License No: 20200000042.
Direct Trading Technologies UK Representative Office is authorized by the SFC to carry out acts of promotion of the entity's products and services abroad.