Aviso Importante: A DTT está comprometida em oferecer um ambiente de negociação justo, seguro e independente. Tentativas de explorar o ambiente de execução usando diferentes algoritmos não serão toleradas.

DTT Plus

Exclusivo para os clientes da Direct TT, o DTT Plus é um portal abrangente e seguro com uma grande quantidade de recursos, incluindo pesquisa institucional, calendário econômico, ferramentas inteligentes e recursos educacionais.

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•  Pesquisa institucional

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•  Ferramentas inteligentes

•  Calendário econômico 

•  Recursos educacionais

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Risk Warning: CFDs and Forex are leveraged products which carry a high degree of risk and are not suited for everyone. Losses can exceed your investment. Please ensure you fully understand all the risks involved, seeking independent advice if necessary prior to entering into such transactions.

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Direct Trading Technologies (UK) Ltd, a Financial Services Company authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the license FRN 795892 (for Professional and Institutional clients) (www.dttfs.co.uk) .
Direct TT for Financial Consulting, a Financial Services Company authorised and regulated in the UAE by the SCA, License No: 20200000042.
Direct Trading Technologies UK Representative Office is authorized by the SFC to carry out acts of promotion of the entity's products and services abroad.